Catholic Worker Movement

Catholic Worker Movement logo The Catholic Worker Movement was founded by the “Servant of God” Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in 1933. Its aim is to “live in accordance with the justice and charity of Jesus Christ.”

One of its guiding principles is hospitality towards those on the margin of society. There are over 185 local Catholic Worker communities providing social services, each with its own mission, goals and means, following the rules of mercy, sacrifice, community and a sense of reverence. has as its mission to provide temporary housing for 16 men for up to 60 days.

God meant things to be much easier than we have made them.
Dorothy Day
We want to build a society where it is easier for people to be good.
Peter Maurin

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Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless

A coalition of over 45 agencies and hundreds of volunteers serving the homeless through emergency shelter, transitional living facilities, permanent housing, medical services, social services, soup kitchens, and mental health/addictions services. Membership primarily consists of organizations serving the homeless in the Greater Cincinnati/Tri-State area: Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.

Homeless Management Information System of Cincinnati/Hamilton County

A community-wide information system for agencies providing housing and services to homeless people through the City of Cincinnati / Hamilton County Continuum of Care.

Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Greater Cincinnati Foundation is created by and for the people of Greater Cincinnati to provide a simple, powerful, and highly personal approach to giving.

What the Catholic Worker Believes

by Peter Maurin, co-founder
  1. The Catholic Worker believes in the gentle personalism of traditional Catholicism.
  2. The Catholic Worker believes in the personal obligation of looking after the needs of our brother.
  3. The Catholic Worker believes in the daily practice of the Works of Mercy.
  4. The Catholic Worker believes in Houses of Hospitality for the immediate relief of those who are in need.